Monday, August 4, 2008

a day late (and a dollar short?)...

Meandering back into work this Monday still in last week's state of mind: wanderlust to the extreme! I just loved all those images of Greek hotels I found - so peaceful and luxurious and white - but, in all my searching last Wednesday, I never quite managed to find the "bedroom to end all bedrooms." Lo and behold, today I did! (Taken from Marie Clare Maison, found today while browsing through All Things Blue.) This is my idea of the perfect bed:

Equally stunning (if a bit more on the "girly" side of things) was the one I found in July's House Beautiful. If I were building a dream home, I'd definitely have to have something like that!

(Actually, what I love the most about the above picture are the bedside lamps!)

Although, if I were building my dream home, I'd probably have to start with the - no joke - absolute perfect sink in all of sinkdom, also from July's edition of House Beautiful. (They weren't kidding around when they named that magazine!)

..and a ceiling just like this:

...and I'd have to make plenty of room for my most-coveted of all rooms, the laundry:

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